Thursday, February 10, 2011

Results from Today's Appointment

We saw Dr. Rodriguez(our regular obgyn) this morning.  We heard Branson's sweet heartbeat that has remained steady throughout.  We also saw it beating, and saw her legs moving around, as well as her head and face.  She really is cute.  She is measuring much better now, and is continuing to gain weight.  They actually guestimated her weight at around 4 lbs which is better than great.  The more weight and maturity at delivery the better.

Her bladder is still enlarged, and there seems to still be fluid on the kidneys.  It seems that some fluid is actually leaking out, because the level of amniotic fluid is stable.  This means, there could be an obstruction, but more likely a breakdown in communication of when and how to constrict and release bladder.  I asked how long her kidneys could take the fluid retention before they begin to shut down, and her reminded us that it really is a balancing act between intervening and allowing her lungs and body and brain to mature. That makes sense: thus the idea of c-sectioning early.

She also still had fluid on the left ventricle in the brain, but the head was not swollen(no hydrocephalus) which could mean the fluid/pressure is not enough to be doing lots of damage, or that there is missing brain tissue that is being replaced by the fluid.  Hydrocephalus is treatable and the outcomes are usually pretty good.  Missing brain tissue is a different story, and this is where we pray.

Thanks so much for continuing to pray.  A friend shared this with me not to long ago and it has been an image that I continue to come back to.  Hope it also comforts you:

"The Potter's Hand:

A gentle pressure from a fingertip or firmer pushing from the palm of a hand will form what in the end is their(the potter's) piece of art.  I was thinking how overwhelming to me from a human perspective to understand what God must accomplish in sweet Branson's body to give her the life we envision for her.  But for the Master Potter, it is simply to shift pressure here or there as He forms her in His hands.                   It is what He does." - C.M.

We pray that God steps in as the Master Potter....that He press and push on the exact places that He needs to to form her....that He whispers to the deep places and calls her brain to line up to His will.

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