Monday, April 18, 2011

By His Wounds.....

But He was pierced for our transgressions, 
He was crushed for our iniquities; 
The punishment that brought us peace was upon Him.......
and by HIS WOUNDS we are healed. Isaiah 53:5

by His wounds......

God just spells it His wounds we are healed.....
I had been searching all over...saying that this was an "unanswerable"question.  It may still be a great mystery how He walks us through it..but no doubt that the reason he CAN do it, is because of His suffering....because He knows...because He took it all.

As I am walking through this week of Easter....the weight of all He endured is almost too much.  I think of the torment His mind experienced as He bore the weight of all the evil in the world, while feeling for the first time ever the separation from His Father.....

I see it like this.  I do not want directions from a person that is not from the city I am in.  I do not want a meal cooked by someone who admits they don't know how.  I don't want to be operated on by someone who cannot perform surgery. ...You get the picture....

I am going to be healed through and through...why? Because my God knows how to restore, heal, renew....because He did that for all mankind on the cross.  
He walked the road to Golgotha bleeding, beaten, humiliated, scorned, abandoned....He walked it knowing it would only get worse.  He walked it with His heart bent towards the Father in submission.  He walked it knowing He would soon be separated from His will, and be united with the will of the Father.  

How much more does He understand my road...I walked the road with Branson bleeding, disappointed...I walked in reluctant submission to His Will...knowing that I may be separated from her on this earth....but that she and I both, and our family, would be united with the will of the Father.  He knows my road, and understands that, to me, my road feels consuming.... He walked a road far more dangerous than mine and was resurrected, restored.....
He knows how to heal me because He is Healer...

Let the graphic nature of Jesus' death blow through you. 

Do not stop with the Sunday School image of a clean Christ silently and neatly hanging on the cross...for, if you do, you will wonder how He can understand and allow such hurt and disappointment in your life.  Without allowing the brutality of His death to settle nauseously in your stomach, you will question the very nature of His will.....
but- when you realize the physical pain and emotional suffering that our Jesus endured, then the Glory of His restoration and resurrection is all the more powerful....THAT is why He knows and understands and heals......because he endured, suffered, was separated...he knows.

We often are aware "why" he died....and for "whom" He died, and even "how" and "where" He died.
But "what" He did, was take it all......endure it so that we may know and believe......that by HIS WOUNDS we are healed.


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