Monday, May 16, 2011


A decision has to be made.  I got a call from my doctor today asking if we wanted to do any genetic testing...Will and I, that is. 

Our insurance would not allow any extensive testing to be done while I was pregnant with Branson, nor did we wish to do any extensive testing on Branson after she was born. They were not able to test any cord blood, and whatever testing they could have done would have been very expensive and very invasive.  We were not even sure if the few tests they could do would even tell us anything. There might have not been an answer anyway.  Therefore, we are left to our own ideas, the doctor's best guesses and physical examination alone.  

The doctors had always been hesitant to diagnose, and Branson's problems did not fit into any genetic code or criteria.  We had a few basic tests done when I was pregnant with Eason in 2006, which had come back normal...and when I think that we may carry some elusive genetic anomalies, I just need to look at this:
to know that the chances of us having a healthy child are more than present.......

So, that being said....why do I still hesitate to move forward with testing....the evidence would come back to me in percentages anyway. What would I do with such ambiguous information......?

It does seem like the responsible thing to do if we decide to try for another child....and if God decides to allow us to conceive....and if we are able to carry that baby to term...alive.....and if God allows that child to live their life on this earth with many "ifs"......

It makes me wonder IF I am even in control of any of it........

Will you pray for us....? That we move into the hallways and through the doors that God wants us to move.....Will you pray we see the step ahead clearly or that He gives us the strength and the faith to step anyway...even when we don't? Thank you, friends.

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